Monday, August 04, 2008

The Dark Knight of Humanity

I though it will be of comical villains, or super cool gadget, or stunning action, maybe a bit more CG; at the end, it is all about humanity and emotion attached to it (with all the things I mentioned as well).

I am quite happy with the thought provoking messages they try to bring with the movie, rather than being just another action blockbuster and make us happy for the day.

About humanity: How human try to uphold the morale code, but drop it at the first sign of distress. How we need a hero badly, but we abandoned him at the first sign of trouble, or peace. What are we willing to do to protect ourselves or our love ones, even though it means hurting others? Should we bring justice into our own hands, ending the life of those not worthy of living by our standards. Will you take the life of 1000 prisoners, to save the life of 1000 civilians? It is all morale questions, and it had very much to do with humanity which is not just of black and white in colors.

If you are a superhero: you could crash a few cars, hurt a few criminals, a dozen of break and entry is part of the laws you have to break in order to save lives and apprehend criminals. At any point, why not just kill the criminals on the spot rather than handling them to the police and justice system, and risk having them escape to cause more harm again. Like Judge Dread, “I am the Law”, being a law enforcer, prosecutor, judge and executor all in one. It sounds so logically “correct”, but it had so much emotional impact about this doing. Like Yoda said, “Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering”, and ultimately it leads to the dark side. At the end, the righteous knight in shining armour might turn into the criminals he tried to fight his whole life. “You Either Die a Hero, or Live to Become the Villain” – The Dark Knight. And also question of who to save? Your love ones or someone who is important to the society?

Spoiler Warning: I am impressed with the scene where there are 2 ferries, one with civilians and the other with criminals. Joker put explosives on both ferry, and he put the detonator (the trigger to activate the bomb) of the opposite ferry in each ferry. The ferry which detonates the other ferry gets to live. If one of them didn’t blow up the opposite ferry, all of them will die by midnight. I though the criminals will try to get hold of the detonator without hesitation, but a big guy stand up to the captain (the one holding the detonator) and say, “I know you are not used to killing people, I can help you, you don’t have to do it.” The captain passes him the detonator and the criminal said, “I am doing what you should have done 10 minutes ago” and throw the detonator out the window. Why would he do it? My conclusion, a punished criminal (assuming he is remorseful) would have thought many times before that it is painful to had done wrong, and he is very sure he will not repeat the same mistake again. A panicky civilian on the other ship stand up and say, “I’ll do it. If nobody want to do it, I’ll do it” and walks to pick up the detonator. I am very sure he will do it, until I saw a glimpse on his face? Why not? I suddenly realise it is extremely painful to take the life of a thousand to save our own, or even to save another thousand “more worthy” soul. I can’t bear with the guilt and tortorung, and probably dying would be more peaceful.

It's a very good movie in his own class, and badly needed in the time where humanity is thinning with all the senseless bombing and shooting of people. Humanity would probably kill itself before nature does.

PS: The Batman's voice is really irritating and unnecessary.

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