Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Genius must be different?

I probably know personally 2 persons in my life which I regard as genius (technically, at least). They do things differently than the rest. For example, when Cobol is the easiest language to develop a business application, someone have to use C with Cursors to impress. When C++ is fast enough, someone have to use assembly to speed things up.

I know both of them since College. Lost contact with one since his sudden dramatic disapperance; He is married now with his college sweatheart, good for him. Got in contact with the other one recently for some business partnership, but it didn't work out. But he manage to tick me off immediately when he get in touch with me few days back after the not so "plesant" break-off. Suddenly, I wonder does all Genius behave in the same manner?

The following are the observed behaviors of both Geniuses:-

  1. Generally both have a strong tendency to boost and to impress others, but I think they deserve it (but just a wee bit annoying when you do it too often too much).
  2. Both would try their very best to avoid doing the boring and mundane work, even though it is for the collective good. For example, they would only code interesting stuff and won’t do any documentation; avoid following any standards or procedures. So, they aren’t really good team player but work better as a lone ranger.
  3. Both like challenges very much, and take pride is solving very difficult problems (to claim bragging rights).
  4. They might be generally selfish (self-centered) and doesn’t care much about others besides their own interest, and they do it naturally and subconsciously.
  5. Once they set their mind on something or a concept or ideal, it’s a futile effort in convincing them otherwise (generally stubborn).
  6. And they probably think there is nothing wrong with them, perhaps the problem lies with others.
  7. They indeed read a lot, very knowledgeable, and have creative ways to solve even the simplest problem. When you know it’s hard to achieve their level, then you would know that they are Genius.

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