Sunday, June 08, 2008

Comic: 2 Characters

On some weekend, I just don't feel like working anyway, yet couldn't find something really to do. That's the problem with city dweller like us, depending too much on window shopping at shopping complex, eating, watching movie and etc. Sometimes, we just ran out of options so fast so furious.

To counter this weekend boredom and stay away from work, we probably need some hobby such as jogging (could be pretty boring at times), reading (if I had a good book), mountain hiking (good choice, but not available on every weekend), blogging (if I had a topic) and perhaps live up to some childhood dream, such as drawing comic.

So, my first draft of my upcoming comic, presenting the 1st 2 characters :)

Ultraman Hairstyle + Shirt | Helmet Hairstyle + Apron

Robot | Helmet + Animal Costume

Stickman | Bowl Head + Wizard

Weird Costume?

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