Thursday, April 07, 2005

Date Doctor

Yesterday is movie night out with the girls again. Lorena had been extremely busy ever since she joined Citibank last year, and had not attend any of our social activities ever since. It seems like two new colleagues had joined her recently, so she is free for movie finally. We went for Hitch together with Tang and Wai Ling.

Hitch is really funnier than I thought it would be. I think it is one of the most laughable movies I went to. Will Smith (one of my favorite actor) really have a lot of charisma, and he is good at comedy as well (even MIB had a lot of comedy elements). Kevin James is very funny as well, playing his goofy and hypertension role. I am not very good at doing movie review, but Hitch is a good watch with lots of laughter and few tricks to be learned (cure for common man). Do you think it is possible to start a profession as a Date Doctor? I am sure it would be high in demand, and it would require a lot of confidence, some charisma, good understanding of women and some dating knowledge. Some fact from the movie: 90% of human communication are not done verbally. So, if you sucks at talking (no sweet talker), there is still hope.

After the movie, the girls try to catch up with Lorena (when the girls outnumbered the guys, I just sit in and listen). Lorena is a classy woman (even her name sounds classy), and she likes high-class food (her theory is not that she like expensive food, but all the good food turn out to be expensive). She can't take most of the tea and coffee because she might get migraine easily, so no Coffee Bean or Starbucks for her. I don't think she like to dine in food court or fast food as well, as she would try to suggest some other place or don't eat at all. She does not have any craving for chocolate or ice cream. She had plan for her vacations in the coming months to go to Pulau Perhentian, Paris and Guang Dong. One thing for sure, she sure can enjoy life well.

I have nothing against her, just that I think she is not my kind of girl (we are so much different in term of taste and money spending). I would say she is an expensive girl to have and difficult to satisfy (unless you are a rich dude). Ops! I hope I didn't badmouth her. I am not trying to, just trying to make a point that she is different and had formed a very strong opinion on what she wants and likes. A woman who knows herself well perhaps?

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