Sunday, August 06, 2006

Hualian Eco-friendly Village House (花蓮綠色革命)

TVBS broadcast 一步一腳印, 發現新台灣, which showcase new and noteworthy things about Taiwan. Today the introduce something of my taste, a very unique nature-friendly house at a very scenic village, Hualian (花蓮) - 花蓮綠色革命

Hualian is supposed to be a very scenic village, one of the most beautiful nature areas in Taiwan. But the building at this place isn’t very scenic, as the villagers are poor thus building some very simple and ugly looking houses. The local government want to revolutionize the buildings here by matching the scenic nature with eco-friendly village house. They employ experts from Taiwan’s university to design some eco-friendly houses which suit the taste and function of the locals. They encourage them to build such houses by providing subsidies in an effort to beautify Hualian and improve the quality of life.

The eco-friendly house not only looks greats, but they are actually natural as well. First of all, it is supposed to be a village house, so it’s cozy and small. These houses are
  • Safe - protection from earthquake, typhoon, fire, etc
  • Comfortable – utilizing the nature, architecture and human tech
  • Eco-friendly – eco-friendly material, rain collection, water-saving garden
  • Healthy – natural light, natural ventilation, solar power, indoor sun bath, natural cleanliness
  • Energy-saving – utilizing the nature, power-saving
  • Ecology – ecological pond and drain, animal friendly
Basically they combine eco-friendly technology and good architecture to build a village house at a very scenic place. No only it feels good to live in the house, but the surrounding is quite natural as well. No fences, open concept, with farms and pets, and of course, star gazing at night.

Perhaps these are the kind of living I am looking forward to at some point in my life. No more concrete jungle and skyscraper. I want to be surrounded by nature, and live within in, with the support of good technology of course. A scenic place, a friendly neighbourhood and high-tech architecture and design, and most of all, eco-friendly.

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