As a developer, you could start your own software company with very little money just in case you run out of job or you decide to be adventurous. It just require some simple business idea, good execution and hopefully not to sucky on product and marketing strategy.
What skilled should a Developer be equipped with nowadays? The Tech Hype seems to favour new generation language such as Java and .NET. With these, you shall never die of hunger. It would be nice to have some knowledge of VB as well, since there are tons of software out there which might require some tweaking or maintenance. C/C++ is gold, as the skill is rare and valuable (and still very much useful and in demand in nitch market); this skill probably separates you from the rest of the novice programmer by far. PHP would be nice to have, and knowledge of Socket and Multi-threading programming is like diamond; Design Pattern
Besides Technical Skill, sometimes employers require you to have the industrial knowledge of the relevant sectors. Experience in a certain field is a double-sided sword; it could either lock you in, or help you climb higher. Anyway, some exposure in different industries is beneficial.
All the buzz about Malaysia IT Graduates couldn’t find a job is bullshit (at least half of it anyway). Probably most of these IT graduates are not developer, trying to look for some high paying no hard work kind of job. Mun Wai told me he know of many vacancies for high paying developers, but you would need to be versatile and skilful (quite rare nowadays) to fill the post. How about fresh graduate? Just show the employer you have the skill and have no problem completing all college programming assignments at a blink of the eye. Besides, a simple programming test would reveal your true capabilities easily (if you are a good developer, don’t accept a job offer in a company where they don’t offer you a programming test or your interviewer is non-technical; unless the company had a position of CTO or Technical Director). For you to grow in the company, the company need to have good Software Development Culture.
PS: This is a good read about programming skill, The Perils of JavaSchools by Joel.
PS: Another good read on programming language, Beating the Averages by Paul Graham.
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